California Laws

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Indecent Exposure – 314 PC

A 27-year-old woman was putting her child in her car in the Valencia Town Center parking lot outside of Macy's when a man in a white Chrysler minivan exposed himself to her. The victim quickly took out her phone and attempted to take a picture of the suspect, but he drove off too quickly. According [...]

Los Angeles Times Comments on California Prison Reform

For years, the State of California has been dealing with a prison overpopulation crisis that has had both inmates and human rights advocates up in arms. In 2010, Governor Brown put forth a plan of action that would take qualifying inmates from state prisons and house them in county jails instead. Additionally, qualifying inmates from [...]

Los Angeles Police to Crack Down on Jaywalking This Holiday Season

When is the last time you crossed the street without observing pedestrian laws? Do you even know the laws regarding jaywalking? If you're not sure - don't worry, you're not alone! Tickets for jaywalking are few and far between these days, but, growing concern over the public safety lead Los Angeles police to crack down [...]

By |December 14th, 2013|California Laws, Los Angeles News|Comments Off on Los Angeles Police to Crack Down on Jaywalking This Holiday Season

Valencia Teen Charged with Vandalism

In early November, a Valencia teen was arraigned on three counts of felony vandalism and three counts of misdemeanor vandalism. Allegedly, the teen used spray paint to vandalize homes and cars in the North Park area of the Santa Clarita Valley. According to deputy district attorney Micah Piantanidah: "There were three vehicles that were tagged [...]

By |November 17th, 2013|California Laws, Community Awareness, Santa Clarita News|Comments Off on Valencia Teen Charged with Vandalism

DUI Checkpoint, Friday September 13th in Santa Clarita

There will be a scheduled DUI checkpoint tonight, Friday September 13th in Santa Clarita, according to the SCV Sheriff's Station. As usual, the location has yet to be disclosed, but the hours of operation are going to be between 6:00 pm on Friday, September 13 and 2:00 am on Saturday, September 14. Alerting the community to scheduled stops [...]

By |September 13th, 2013|California Laws, Community Awareness, DUI Checkpoints, Santa Clarita News|Comments Off on DUI Checkpoint, Friday September 13th in Santa Clarita

Attempted Poisoning Thwarted in San Jose

An attempted poisoning was thwarted at a San Jose Starbucks. The San Jose police arrested Ramineh Behbehanian, aged 50 after a customer at the Starbucks reported strange behavior. Ramineh was seen removing orange juice bottles from the store shelves and replacing them with ones she carried in her purse. After the customer reported what he saw to [...]

By |May 28th, 2013|California Laws, California News|Comments Off on Attempted Poisoning Thwarted in San Jose

Zero-Tolerance for Distracted Drivers

As far as the Santa Clarita Sheriff's Department is concerned, there is zero-tolerance for distracted drivers. On April 3rd and 16th, Sheriff's Deputies will be cracking down on any and all who are found to be operating hand-held cell phones or other devices while driving. Tickets given out for driving while texting or being otherwise [...]

By |April 2nd, 2013|California Laws, Santa Clarita News|Comments Off on Zero-Tolerance for Distracted Drivers

Ex-Critic Now Heads The California Prison System

As of recent events, an ex-critic now heads the California Prison System. Jeffrey Beard was appointed by Governor Brown as secretary of the State Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation 4 years after testifying in Federal Court about the dangers of California's overcrowded prisons. Beard is singing a different tune these days. He says that conditions [...]

By |February 14th, 2013|California Laws|Comments Off on Ex-Critic Now Heads The California Prison System

Santa Clarita Residents Raise Awareness of 911 Good Samaritan Act

On Monday, January 14th, over 100 Santa Clarita residents marched from the City Council Chambers to the Valencia Town Center in the effort to raise awareness of the recently enacted, 911 Good Samaritan Act. The new law gives protection from prosecution to individuals that call 911 to save a life at a location in which drugs [...]

By |January 18th, 2013|California Laws, Community Awareness, Santa Clarita News|Comments Off on Santa Clarita Residents Raise Awareness of 911 Good Samaritan Act

Education in Prison Reform

It's no secret that the American Justice System is not without its flaws. Sometimes, the innocent may be convicted and given hefty sentences for crimes they did not commit; perhaps, based on racial bias or circumstance. Alternatively, those who are ultimately guilty may receive light or even no sentence at all, due in part to [...]

By |December 10th, 2012|California Laws, National Headlines|Comments Off on Education in Prison Reform