California Laws

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Passing of Prop. 36 Eases 3 Strikes Law in California

The election season in 2012 didn't bring too much change in the status quo as far as the White House and Congress are concerned. The States, on the other hand, have passed a slew of controversial new laws. One of the more important ones is the passing of Prop. 36, which eases the 3 strikes law [...]

By |November 8th, 2012|California Laws, National Headlines|Comments Off on Passing of Prop. 36 Eases 3 Strikes Law in California

Hope on the Horizon for Child Offenders

Some children have been known to commit petty crimes. Stealing a candy bars / shoplifting, tagging a wall, puncturing a tire, or even breaking a neighbor's window usually result in a slap on the wrist, or at most some community service hours. Coupled with whatever punishment the child receives from their parents, these minor offenses are [...]

By |October 14th, 2012|California Laws|Comments Off on Hope on the Horizon for Child Offenders

“Pot Luck!” Ban Has Been Lifted For Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles

The Los Angeles City Council voted to repeal the ban on pot dispensaries in the city by a vote of 11-2. This comes only days after the Federal Government raided a number of local dispensaries in the Los Angeles area in an effort to crack down on what they refer to as illegal pot distribution. [...]

By |October 4th, 2012|California Laws, Los Angeles News|Comments Off on “Pot Luck!” Ban Has Been Lifted For Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles

Ban on Marijuana Dispensaries Yet to be Enforced in Los Angeles

The dispensation of marijuana for medicinal purposes has been in a legal gray area for the past several years. In the State of California, it is legal for marijuana to be prescribed by doctors for a variety of conditions including: anxiety, migraine headaches, and cancer-related pain. However, the Federal Government still regards marijuana as a [...]

By |September 6th, 2012|California Laws, Los Angeles News|Comments Off on Ban on Marijuana Dispensaries Yet to be Enforced in Los Angeles

New California Criminal Justice Realignment Programs

With prisoner sentences now being cut to slash budgets, jail overcrowding and prison staff getting laid off, it’s nice to learn that something about our California penal system is working. This SCV Bail Blogger just learned that fewer felons are dodging probation, thanks to a new criminal justice realignment program that has replaced the state's old [...]

By |July 31st, 2012|California Laws, Community Awareness|Comments Off on New California Criminal Justice Realignment Programs

Early Jail Release in California — The Pros and The ‘Cons’

After California courts ordered state prisons and jails to ease up on overcrowding, last year, thousands of lower-level offenders were released early. This program is called "realignment," and because of it, many who would have gone to state prison for low-level crimes are now being supervised under house arrest. Their crimes range from drug sales [...]

By |July 10th, 2012|California Laws|Comments Off on Early Jail Release in California — The Pros and The ‘Cons’

Reduce Drug Penalties to Cut Prison Costs – Yes or No California?

Recently, some California legislators have considered reducing penalties for small drug possession offenders in order to cut prison costs.  It’s not a radical change, but it may be a move in a positive direction. But, what are the repercussions for California’s felons, individual citizens and the bail bond industry if such a move is made? [...]

By |June 27th, 2012|Bail Industry News, California Laws|Comments Off on Reduce Drug Penalties to Cut Prison Costs – Yes or No California?