Christmas is coming soon, and all through the month of December there will likely be Christmas parties and get togethers all over the city.
As such, the LASD is going to be enacting DUI and driver’s license checkpoints on different dates in various areas around the city.
Below is a list of the December 2013 LASD DUI checkpoints in the Los Angeles area:
- Friday, December 13, West Hollywood will be host to a checkpoint from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am Saturday morning
- Thursday, December 18, there will be a DUI checkpoint in Lynwood from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am Friday Morning
- Friday, December 20, there will be a DUI checkpoint in the City of Bellflower from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am Saturday Morning
- Friday, December 27 in the City of Industry from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am Saturday Morning
The exact locations of the checkpoints are not disclosed. Checkpoints like these have proven to deter would-be drunk drivers from operating vehicles while under the influence. According to research, alcohol-related car accidents occur 20% less when checkpoints are conducted often.
As usual, drivers who find themselves at one of these checkpoints will be checked for any drug or alcohol related impairment, and to see that they are properly licensed. Deputies will do their best to make sure that the drivers at the checkpoint are held up for as short of time as possible.