The political atmosphere in the US is at a boiling point right now, and people across the political spectrum are coming out to voice their opinions. Most of the time the protests are peaceful. They come and go with little fanfare. Sometimes things are not so peaceful. It is easy in such emotionally charged situations to react without thinking, and arrests are usually the result.

When someone is arrested at a protest, it’s usually due to one or more relatively minor crimes: failure to disperse, some version of assault/battery, disturbing the peace, and in rare cases, rioting and/or inciting a riot.

Usually arrests that occur during protests (especially in Los Angeles County) don’t result in a long stay in police custody as the crimes are most often charged as misdemeanors. Even some felonies see arrestees released on their own recognizance after a day or so, with some being released a few hours after their arrest.

But, in situations where things get out of control or a protestor is suspected of committing a more serious crime, they might need a bail bond to get out of jail. If an individual assaults a police officer or is responsible for significant damage to private or public property, they might need a bail bond to get out of jail.

If so, the bail bond application process is the same as with any other suspected crime. Give SCV Bail Bonds a call and provide us with some identifying information on the person you want to bail out of jail. Once they are located within the jail system and their eligibility for bail is verified, we have you fill out our short bail bond application forms.

After everything is signed, we send an agent to the jail to post the bond and your friend or loved one will be released as soon as they are processed out. In areas with larger, busier jails (such as downtown Los Angeles jails), it may take several hours longer for their release due to the business of the jail.

Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval is a California Licensed Bail Bondsman and owner of SCV Bail Bonds. Robin writes blogs and articles to help increase community awareness of the bail industry. If you have questions or want to suggest a topic, email, visit or call 661-299-2245.
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval

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