Santa Clarita Sheriff
Did you find this page today because someone you know, a friend or loved one perhaps, has been arrested and taken into custody in the Santa Clarita Valley on DUI Charges? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
A fully licensed, bondsman on our staff who specializes in DUI bail bonds in Santa Clarita is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer any and all questions you may have.
Local Santa Clarita Agents Here to Help
We work closely with our community and are available to come to your home, office, the jail, or you can meet with us at our convenient, comfortable office located directly across the street from the Santa Clarita Station Jail.
We are always available to help get your friend or loved one out of the Santa Clarita Station jail quickly and efficiently.
California DUI Charges and Penalties
DUI charges, or “driving under the influence” is covered under two separate California Vehicle Code Sections:
- 23152 (a) VC, says it’s illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- 23152 (b) VC, say’s it illegal to drive with a BAC (blood alcohol content) of .08% or more.
Penalties for DUI charges vary depending on the defendant’s past criminal history regarding DUI’s. Typically, a first, second, and third DUI charge are filed as misdemeanors. A fourth DUI charge (or 5th, 6th, etc.) within a 10-year period can be charged as felony drunk driving. Also, if an individual is injured or killed as a result of the DUI charge, regardless of whether it is a defendant’s first or not, can also cause the charge to be upgraded to a felony.
Misdemeanor penalties for DUI charges include one or more of the following:
- 3 to 5 years of informal probation
- Up to 1 year in county jail (typically reserved for 2nd or 3rd offenses)
- a fine of $390 plus any court fees
- DUI School
- A minimum suspension period of 6 months of an individual’s driving privileges
- Increased insurance rates
Felony drunk driving, the penalties include:
- 16 months to 3 years in California State prison
- Fines from $390 to $1,000
- 4 year driver’s license suspension
If severe injury or death occurs as a result of an individual driving under the influence, the charges can be significantly upgraded, and the charges can be severely increased.

Santa Clarita DUI. “Sober Driving Saves Lives” Van.
DUI charges in Santa Clarita are relatively common, and our staff has years of experience working with both the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station and court system.
To speak with a bail local, SCV bail bondsman immediately, please call 661-299-BAIL (2245) or toll-free 877-422-4591. We’re always here to help, no matter what time of day or night.
Santa Clarita Sheriff Station Information
Santa Clarita Sheriff Station
26201 Golden Valley Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Station/Jail: (661) 260-4000
24 Hour Santa Clarita DUI Charge Bail Bond Info 661-299-BAIL (2245)
LASD Inmate Locator
What Happens When Someone is Arrested in Santa Clarita for DUI?
When an individual is arrested on DUI charges in Santa Clarita, they will be taken to the SCV Sheriff Station for booking and processing.
The station is staffed by over 200 sworn officers, and has a jail that can temporarily hold up to 40 inmates. When the jail becomes overcrowded, inmates will be transferred to one of the larger jails in downtown Los Angeles.
Those transferred from Santa Clarita are typically sent to Twin Towers Correctional Facility (for male inmates) or the Lynwood Jail (for female inmates). When transfer occurs, the inmate will need to go through the processing procedure at the larger, much busier facility and will likely spend an additional 24 hours (if not longer) in custody. When the bail bond application process is begun quickly, however, this transfer can often times be avoided altogether.
Santa Clarita Courthouse Information
Santa Clarita (Newhall) Courthouse
23747 West Valencia Blvd.
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Courts: (661) 253-7301
Criminal Window: 661- 253-7384
Traffic Division: 661-253-7258
It’s possible to bail out an inmate arrested on DUI charges in Santa Clarita right from the Santa Clarita Courthouse, if the bail bond process is started quickly enough. Once an inmate has been arraigned in the SCV, they will be transferred to one of the county jails mentioned above to await their court date(s).
The Bail Bond Process
Finding out that a friend or loved one has been arrested on DUI charges in the SCV can be stressful, to say the least. When you call and speak to one of our friendly, knowledgeable bail bondsmen, we will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have to help put your mind at ease.
Once we’ve answered any questions, we will likely have a few also. As such, having the full name, birth date, and date and time of the defendant’s arrest available before you call can help to expedite the process. However, if not all of this information is immediately available, we can still help you quickly.
Once we’ve located your friend or loved one within the system, we will verify his or her eligibility for bail and have you fill out and sign the bail bond application forms and indemnitor agreement. Our forms are very straight forward and simple, but if you’d like, we’re happy to walk you through them step-by-step. As a matter of convenience, you don’t even need to meet with us in order to complete the bail bond process – it can be completed via fax or email from wherever you feel most comfortable.
Will My Friend or Loved One Be Released on O.R?
For first time DUI charges, there are generally no long-term jail time consequences. As such, the defendant will not usually require a bail bond to be released. The defendant will usually be released on O.R., (own recognizance). That is, if there were no prior convictions, no injuries or accidents, no children were in the vehicle, etc. However, the arrestee may have to “sober up” in jail for a bit, before they are released.
The Cost of a Bail Bond
If bail is set at $100,000, then the cost of a bail bond should be no more than $10,000. We include no additional fees or interest, regardless of whether you choose to pay the full amount outright or if you select one of our flexible financing options.
We accept major debit/credit cards including Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover as well as cash, check, money order, bank account transfer and money wire.
If you’d like to begin the bail bond process now, or if you’d just like to have some questions answered about DUI Charges in Santa Clarita, California, please feel free to call us any time. Our local, caring staff is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We can be reached locally at 661-299-BAIL (2245) or toll-free at 877-422-4591.