An “Indemnitor” or “co-signer” is responsible for signing a bail agreement/contract, and qualifying for the bond on behalf of the “defendant” or the person in jail custody. If you choose to co-sign on behalf of the defendant, you will become legally and financially responsible for making sure the defendant shows up to all their court appearances and fulfills all of their court mandated obligations.

As the defendant’s “indemnitor,” you will accept full responsibility for the entire “face amount” of the bond should the defendant not return to court. This includes paying for the entire premium or any other fees associated with the bond. Therefore, it is important that you know the person you are signing for, and have complete confidence that they will fulfill all their court obligations because you are taking on a high financial risk. This could also include any “collateral” taken to secure the bond, such as a deed of trust to property, a pink slip or other item of value.

However, once the defendant’s case is completed, meaning: They show up for all mandated court dates, they are sentenced, the case is dismissed or the bond is exonerated, the responsibility of the indemnitor/Co-signer will be fulfilled and no other money is owed to the court.

it is also important to understand that, no matter what the outcome of the case, (it is: dropped, dismissed, a D.A. reject, not filed, etc.) the premium you pay to the bondsman for the original release of the defendant must be paid in full. If you are making payments to the bondsman via a payment plan, you must continue to make all payments until the premium is paid in full. Once the premium is paid off, there will be no further amount owed to the bondsman and the file will be closed.


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