Police Arrest Red Car FlasherFor years now, a man has been driving around in a red sedan and exposing himself to a variety of victims. After two years, the LAPD is proud to report a suspect arrested in the Red Car Flasher case.

The LAPD was able to zero in on a suspect thanks to the help of composite sketches, several dozen sightings and a license plate number recorded by a recent female victim. After researching the license plate number, LAPD detectives were lead to the home of Luis Bucio-Cedeno in North Hills.

Oddly enough, the license plate number that lead to his capture wasn’t located on a red sedan at all, but instead on a minivan.

Once police located the suspect, they followed him for several weeks, hoping to catch him in the act, or at least driving a red sedan. Unfortunately, during this time, Bucio-Cedeno did not once attempt to drive, or even enter, a red car at all. Despite this, police felt they had enough evidence thanks to the composite sketches, license plate number leading to the suspect’s home and statements made by victims to get a warrant.

Bucio-Cedeno was arrested March 29th and charged with indecent exposure, child annoying, lewd conduct and sexual battery amounting in 19 counts in total against 11 victims. He is currently being held on 110,000 bail, but he has been given a no-bail hold due to his immigration status.

After further investigation into the fate of the infamous “red car,” it was learned by detectives that the red Toyota Camry was owned by the suspect’s aunt and recently sold to a Santa Clarita resident.

Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval is a California Licensed Bail Bondsman and owner of SCV Bail Bonds. Robin writes blogs and articles to help increase community awareness of the bail industry. If you have questions or want to suggest a topic, email robin@scvbailbonds.com, visit www.scvbailbonds.com or call 661-299-2245.
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval
Robin Sandoval

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